Smile Design Technology
InstaRisa Facial Scanning
InstaRisa Facial Scanning is a state-of-the-art technology that provides dentists with a comprehensive and accurate way to gather information about their patients’ faces and teeth. With InstaRisa, patients, dentists, and technicians can all preview the best tooth shape and position within the patient’s face to achieve the most desirable smile.
Overall, InstaRisa Facial Scanning offers numerous benefits to the dental community, including improved accuracy, enhanced patient experience, better diagnosis and treatment planning, and effective communication. With InstaRisa, everyone involved in the treatment process can work together to achieve the best possible smile for the patient.
Asiga 3D Max Printer
At our dental practice, we’re excited to offer our patients the convenience and efficiency of the Asiga 3D Max Printer. With this state-of-the-art technology, we can fabricate provisional bridges, occlusal splints, and diagnostic models right in-house, without any delays or transportation required.
Here are just a few of the advantages that our patients can enjoy with the Asiga 3D Max Printer:
- No Delays: With the Asiga 3D Max Printer, you don’t have to wait for your prosthetics to be fabricated at an off-site lab. We can create your restorations and models right here in-house, which means there’s no delay in your treatment plan.
- Superior Quality: The Asiga 3D Max Printer utilizes the latest technology to produce restorations and models with incredible precision and accuracy. This means that you can expect the highest level of quality and durability from your prosthetics.
- Customization: With the Asiga 3D Max Printer, we can easily customize restorations and models to meet your unique needs. This allows us to provide truly personalised care and achieve the best possible outcomes.
- Advanced Technology: The Asiga 3D Max Printer is at the forefront of dental technology, giving us access to the latest advancements in 3D printing. This ensures that we stay ahead of the curve and continue to provide our patients with the best possible care.
At our dental practice, we understand that time is precious, and that’s why we’ve invested in the Asiga 3D Max Printer. With this technology, we can provide you with the care you need, without any delays or transportation required. Contact us today to learn more about how we can use this state-of-the-art technology to improve your dental care experience.
Single Missing Tooth Multiple Missing Teeth Immediate Replacement Bone Augmentation Same Day Teeth Nobelclinician Full Mouth Dental ImplantsReferrals
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