Single Missing Tooth
Replacing a Missing Single Tooth
If you are missing a single tooth, often the most ideal way to replace it is with an implant and crown. A dental implant replaces both the lost natural tooth and its root.
What are the advantages of a single-tooth implant over a bridge?
A dental implant provides several advantages over other tooth replacement options. In addition to looking and functioning like a natural tooth, a dental implant replaces a single tooth without sacrificing the health of neighbouring teeth.
Because a dental implant will replace your tooth root, the bone is better preserved. With a bridge, some of the bone that previously supported the tooth may resorb (shrink) away. Dental implants integrate and help to keep the bone healthy and intact, maintaining the most natural shape of the gum around the tooth.
In the long term, a single implant is easier to keep clean than a bridge and can be more aesthetic. Bacteria can decay the teeth that anchor the bridge and gums can recede around a bridge, leaving a visible defect when the metal base or collar of the bridge becomes exposed. Resorbed bone beneath a bridge can lead to an unattractive smile.
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