Last Updated on 4th July 2019
One of the most common dental searches in 2019 so far is from people keen to find out how to care for their mouth after they have had a tooth removed.
At Evesham Dental Health Team in Broadway Road we do all we can to prevent having to extract teeth but sometimes it is unavoidable. So, here is our advice for what to do following having a tooth taken out.
Advice following extractions
- Do not disturb the socket by poking it with your finger or tongue or by rinsing excessively.
- Avoid exercise and excessive alcohol. Rest with your head above the level of your feet, using an extra pillow at night.
- The socket may be tender and we advise taking painkillers (such as paracetamol) before the numbness, which lasts 2 to 3 hours, wears off.
- Whilst the numbness persists please be careful not to bite your lips, cheeks or tongue.
- Do not have anything too hot to eat or drink. You may feel a sharp edge of a socket with your tongue and small fragments may work loose. This is normal.
In case of excessive bleeding
- Carry out the above instructions, being especially careful not to rinse excessively, which will disturb any blood clotting.
- Make a suitable firm pad with a clear handkerchief, gauze or wet teabag. Whilst sitting, clear excessive blood from the mouth with a tissue in order to identify which socket is bleeding. Place the pad across the socket from tongue to cheek.
- If the socket is between two teeth ensure that the pad presses on the socket not the teeth. Bite firmly to compress the pad on the socket for 15 to 30 minutes. Do not lie down. Inspect the socket. If bleeding still appears from the socket, replace the pad.
If bleeding continues after an hour or two please contact us on 01386 422833 for advice.