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The fact that a quarter of Brits only brush once a day shocks Evesham dentists

by Dental Design, on 20th July 2021 | Comments Off on The fact that a quarter of Brits only brush once a day shocks Evesham dentists

Last Updated on 20th July 2021

One in four (26%) British adults regularly brush their teeth only once a day, according to findings of a new nationwide poll highlighted by Evesham Dental Health Team in Broadway Road.

The data has been collected by the Oral Health Foundation and the charity is especially worried by the number of people who regularly fail to brush their teeth last thing at night, when the health of the mouth is most likely to deteriorate.

Latest figures show two-in-three (66%) UK adults have visible plaque, almost one-in-three (31%) have signs of tooth decay, and three-in-four (74%) have had teeth extracted.

The examination into Britain’s brushing habits is part of National Smile Month, a campaign by the Oral Health Foundation that aims to raise awareness about the importance of a healthy mouth.

Dr Nigel Carter, chief executive of the charity, says: “Twice-daily tooth brushing is the cornerstone to having good oral health because it removes plaque. If plaque is not removed and is allowed to build up, it can cause conditions like tooth decay and gum disease. “

Brushing only once a day can increase the chances of developing tooth decay by up to a third, so setting aside time for the second brush is really important.”

Further findings from the charity’s research show that toothbrush skipping is more common in adults under 35s (31%), while men are less likely to brush their teeth twice-daily compared to women.

It also suggests that as many as one million UK adults fail to brush their teeth even once a day.

Enjoy a lifetime of good oral health

The most important action you can take is to brush your teeth for two minutes, last thing at night and first thing in the morning before breakfast, with fluoride toothpaste.

It also means cleaning between your teeth every day with interdental brushes or floss and also cutting down on the frequency of sugary foods and drinks.

Dental disease is largely preventable. Following these steps will set you up on the path for a lifetime of good oral health. For more information, please contact our helpful team.

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