Mouth Cancer Screening
If In Doubt Get Checked Out
Early detection saves lives.
The five year survival rate of mouth cancer patients is just 50%.
BUT early diagnosis gives patients a 90% survival.
Regular visits to the dentist will ensure you are professionally screened for signs of mouth cancer. At Evesham Dental health Team we screen every patient for mouth cancer at every dental health review (check-up. ) As well as a conventional mouth cancer screening examination, featuring palpation of the face and neck and inspection under direct vision, and assessment of risk factors we also use a VELscope Vx. Studies have shown that the VELscope can detect cases of cancerous and pre-cancerous lesions that might be invisible to the naked eye. For most patients we detect nothing of concern, and our patients are pleased to receive the good news and peace of mind.
We are members of the Mouth Cancer Screening Accreditation Scheme at the Mouth Cancer Foundation, which supports people with mouth cancer and raises public and health professional’s awareness of mouth cancer with the aim of saving lives. For more information go to
We offer a FREE mouth cancer screening appointment to any members of the public, all year round.
Look out for:
- Ulcers which do not heal within three weeks
- Red and white patches in the mouth
- Unusual lumps or overgrowth of tissue in the mouth
- Difficulty in swallowing
- Difficulty in chewing or moving the jaw or tongue
- Numbness of the tongue or other area of the mouth
- A feeling that something is caught in the throat
- A chronic sore throat or voice change (hoarseness) that persists more than six weeks, particularly smokers over 50 years old and heavy drinkers
- Swelling of the jaw that causes dentures to fit poorly or become uncomfortable
- Neck swelling present for more than three weeks
- Unexplained tooth mobility persisting for more than three weeks – see a dentist urgently
- Persistent nasal (especially unilateral)l nasal obstruction, particularly associated with mucus (clear, purulent or bloody) discharge causing difficulty breathing through nose
- Unexplained persistent earache
Remember “If In Doubt, Get Checked Out.”
If your mouth is a concern make an appointment immediately and make sure we know your worries.
Know the risks – Prevention is key
Lifestyle choices can prevent this significant threat.
ALCOHOL can be deadly. Drinking and smoking to excess raises risk by up to 30 times as alcohol aids absorption of tobacco into the mouth.
POOR DIET has been linked to mouth cancer. Make sure you get your five-a-day fruit and vegetables. Evidence shows that extra portions of fruit and vegetables reduce the risk still further, as can fish and eggs.
HPV – the human papilloma virus (HPV), transmitted via oral sex, is a growing threat as a mouth cancer cause. Experts suggest it may rival tobacco and alcohol as a major cancer cause within 10 years.
Sadly risk knows no boundaries in relation to mouth cancer.
A growing number are developing the disease without displaying any traditional risk factors – underlining the need for check-ups and self-examination.
Men were once five times more likely to develop mouth cancer – now they are just twice as likely.
The age group affected is falling as younger people than ever are diagnosed.
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